Chemical Management approach
The Chemical Management approach within a company is the set of internal work methods and information systems used within the relevant departments (such as purchasing, production, sales, customer service) to practically implement the REACH, CLP and related legal obligations for hazardous substances in the organisation.
Jongerius Consult has a lot of experience in setting up a Chemical Management approaches focused on REACH & CLP for small, medium and large companies. We can look at what is already correctly regulated within your company and which parts are still needed or can be improved.
This could include assessing or drawing up:
- Chemical management procedures and instructions, for example as part of the ISO 14001 environmental management system;
- Chemical management checks and actions in purchasing and production;
- Logical storage of product information and documentation;
- The design of a periodic substance identification and volume tracking (SVT) process to determine registration obligations;
- Registration strategy and registration management including the management of registration dossiers;
- Assurance and assessment of incoming safety data sheets;
- REACH Compliance statements to customers or suppliers.
Do you need help with your Chemical Management approach?
Contact us to discuss your question without any obligation