Substance of Very High Concern
If your company buys and / or produces substances, mixtures or articles, it is important that you know whether your products contain substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) and what the potential impact is on your business case . This concerns substances included in one of the relevant SVHC lists under REACH, such as the candidate list of substances of very high concern for authorisation (REACH Art 56), the authorisation list (REACH Annex XIV) or the restriction list (REACH Annex XVII).
Jongerius Consult can think along with you about how an approach for the substances of very high concern can be practically integrated in your Chemical Management process. If you have substances with specific authorisations or restrictions, Jongerius Consult can help you to anticipate this. If applicable, the creation, submission and management of an authorisation file can, in consultation, be outsourced to a highly valued partner.
In the Netherlands, a specific policy for substances of very high concern (ZZS in Dutch, which stands for “Zeer Zorgwekkende Stoffen”) is being developed that is based on the same principles as REACH but is clearly different in its structure and impact on companies. The Dutch ZZS Policy is part of the Dutch Environmental Policy and focuses on preventing or limiting substances of very high concern in the living environment. The approach to ZZS emissions from companies consists of minimisation by source approach and reduction measures and a continuous process to see if this can be improved.
Jongerius Consult follows these developments and supports companies and sectors how they can anticipate on these developments.
Do you have questions about substances of very high concern?
Contact us to discuss your question without any obligation